Contribute to CAMDA! Academic researchers and industry practitioners share their lates research and experience in the analysis of complex data. Many novel algorithms have been introduced at CAMDA first. Presentations often show novel insights from unusual approaches and angles of attack. The set annual analysis challenges provide unique opportunities, focus, and inspiration.
Please submit your research by 20 May, and clearly indicate the presenting author. Extended abstracts are limited to 3-5 pages.
Extended abstracts should include preliminary key results and figures. Based on the extended abstract, the scientific committee selects teams to present their work at the CAMDA conference, where updated results need to be shown.
If you submit an extended abstract, you are invited to further update and revise your manuscript after the conference, with full research papers due in October. Full research papers are published subject to fast-track peer review in a special CAMDA proceedings issue of the fully indexed, open access Frontiers in Genetics journal.
ISMB requires poster submission fees for late / non-member submissions, so please consider submitting poster abstracts early. Please clearly indicate if you would like a submitted full paper or extended abstract to automatically be considered as a submission for poster presentation if we cannot offer a conference talk, which will count as an early submission.
Please talk to us if you have any questions regarding the Submission or individual challenges - see the CAMDA forums listed at the bottom of the pages About CAMDA.